This 2-3 day workshop brings together cross functional teams from your business for annual or long term planning. Your team is guided through analysis, creative visioning, strategy development, and focused action planning, all supported by The Grove's visual tools and a robust model for vision and strategy work.
This super fun, visual, and creative process really unlocks your team's strategic thinking potential and aligns the organization to sprint after the common goals of the business. This participatory process creates real employee buy-in that fosters results.
Ecosystem/Landscape mapping helps answer the following questions:
This exercise can help your business identify new business opportunites via product expansion or underserved markets. It an also help you understand your competitors, partners, or acquistion targets?
This service is typically done in conjunction with the Ecosystem/Landscape Mapping exercise. FirstLever will assist your business:
This excerise is an assessment of your current performance to assist in identifying the differences between your current state of business and where would you like your business to be.